How To Promote Your Blogger Blog Free in 2022.

Promote your blog to help it get found and read! In this guide, you will learn how to promote your blog In 2022 using various different methods.

Promoting a blog can sometimes seem a bit challenging. We need to find the best ways to promote our blogs and make them successful. In this article, you will find some of the best ways to promote your blog online. I am going to simply go through different ways of promoting your blog. If you want to make your blog successful, then you need to use different ways to promote your blog. I am going to tell about social media promotion methods, guest blogging, email list building, and many more...

Pre-Promotion Deal For Your Blog

Before you can start to promote your blog, there’s some important foundation work you need to do. If you don’t have content ready for promotion and outreach, then you’re going to find it difficult to get any attention. Content should be your number one priority as a blogger — without it, you’re not going to get anywhere. This post will outline the things you need to do to prepare yourself for promotion.

To help you with this foundation work, I’ve created a checklist (see below) that will show you exactly what steps you need to take before you promote your blog.

Beginner Guide How To Promote Your Blogger Blog Free 2022

13 Things You Need To Do Before Promoting Your Blog

  • Finding Your SEO Competitors' Most Important Link
  • Keyword Research For Blog: How I Picked My Keywords
  • Use Topic Clusters For More Effective Writing
  • Use Topic Cluster Promotion - A New Strategy For Content Promotion
  • Choose The Right Content-Type
  • Make Your Content More Readable (& Less Stupid)
  • Write Headlines that Stand Out
  • Internal Linking Is Your Friend
  • Internal Linking Is Your Friend
  • Create Data-Driven Content
  • Add Images To Your Blog Posts with Charts and Infographics
  • Add Videos seamlessly To Your Content
  • Optimize Your Images for Google Images To Get Traffic
  • Optimize Every Page Of Your Website For Google
  • Finding Your SEO Competitors' Most Important Links

Find out what’s behind your competitors’ rankings. Do you know some SEO that is secretive about it? That’s because you can’t outrank them unless you know what they are doing and that is easier said than done.

It’s important to know your competition and the content they are using on their website. One way to do this is through an SEO analysis tool.

After your SEO competitor analysis, you will have a data set that helps you see where your competition is getting their links from, which social profiles they are using, and the words they rank for.

The next step is to use this information to inform how you approach your link-building campaign. This is the easy part; if your competitor has a profile on LinkedIn, make sure that you get a profile using the same anchor text.

  • Keyword Research For Blog: How I Picked My Keywords

All your blog content should be targeting the main keyword and a few smaller keywords. Why? It’s simple really. Long-tail keywords are search phrases where the searcher includes 4 or 5 words in their query. These long-tail searches bring less traffic than shorter tail keyword phrases but much more targeted traffic.

Your blog content is the most important part of your SEO strategy. Every post you write should be targeted based on your website’s main keyword and one or two long-tail keywords that apply specifically to your niche. Having a targeted content strategy will make the rest of this guide so much easier!

Of course, for this method to be successful, you have to properly track your search rankings. Fortunately, there's a tool from Ahrefs ( that lets you instantly view your search rankings for any keyword (even if it isn't ranking)! It's called Site Explorer:

  • Use Topic Clusters For More Effective Writing

Consider using your target keywords, a few high-traffic keywords that are relevant to your content, as your piece of pillar content and cluster content.

These types of keywords will lead people to your article as well as act as an indicator for the search engines that this article is about the topic.

What's the difference between pillar content and cluster content? 

Pillar content is focused on a single topic. It includes around 3000-6000 words on this single topic, with other supporting posts that reference it as well. Pillar content has the main keyword (or two or three) with related long-tail keywords. The more helpful content you provide, the better. Cluster content is much more specific, in-depth, and niche-focused. Clusters are more niche-focused pieces of content that can be used to counterbalance your pillar articles.

  • Use Topic Cluster Promotion - A New Strategy For Content Promotion

Cluster topics are a great way to create a specific promotion for your content. Whether you have a series of blog posts on the same topic or a case study focused on one concept, you can use the audience insights in BuzzSumo to promote the posts that interest the most people.

For example: If you write a lot of blog posts on organic search strategy but only highlight specific tactics and concepts, it’s difficult to get noticed. However, if you group all the posts in a cluster, your audience will be more likely to notice and share because all the content interests them.

  • Choose The Right Content-Type

Create Great Content By Developing A Structure

You’re probably familiar with the concept of content shock. It’s a term used by marketer Seth Godin to describe how information overload can keep people from reading your page or downloading your content. And, business owners aren’t the only ones affected by content shock. Your audience may feel overwhelmed too when they try to read your article in one sitting. To improve retention and get more eyes on your site, make sure each piece of content you publish meets the expectations of your target audience.

  • Make Your Content More Readable (& Less Stupid)

User experience plays a huge role in SEO. If people can’t find what they need on your page, they will click away, increasing your bounce rate. Take time to make easily readable content. Have a plan for how you want to organize content on each page and use headers and subheaders to chunk it up for easier reading. 

For example, use H1 headers for the main sections of your content, and H2 headers for even further subtopics within that section. Your users will thank you for it.

Do this by the below method;

  • Show in The Short-Form of your content
  • Write Shorter Sentences & Avoid large words
  • Use Pictures To enhance your text
  • Make Your Writing More Readable
  • Write Headlines that Stand Out

Your headline is the first thing your readers will see and is often the deciding factor on if they decide to continue reading your blog or not. It’s easier said than done to write a headline that instantly catches the attention of your audience. So you must write headlines that stand out.

5 Tricks to Write Great Headlines That Will Make People Want To Read Your Article:

  • Use Emotional Word
  • Use Unique or Specific Keyword
  • Use words that target your audience
  • Easy to understand
  • Not Grammarly Mistake

CoSchedule gives you 11 different headline templates that will make your headlines better than ever.

  • Internal Linking Is Your Friend

When Google crawls your website they do not only crawl your Home page but every single web page you have on your site. Having internal links allows Google to crawl deeper into your website and allows them to understand the context of each piece of content.

Internal linking between posts, pages, and other content on your website is a way to help Google crawl your site more easily. This can be done by using appropriate anchor text and linking to related pieces of content on the same domain. There are tools available that can help you manage this process.

I recommend using something like Majestic, Ahrefs, or Searchmetrics to find pages that don’t currently link out.

  • Create Data-Driven Content

Of course, you’re an expert in your industry and are the foremost authority in your field. You should know everything there is to know about a subject — which means that you do need to refer to research. If you’ve done a thorough research and followed best practices, there’s no doubt that you can create content without backing it up with outside sources, but this approach is unlikely to have the same credibility as content that has supporting data.

Create Content that’s based on good keywords, useful to your target audience, and consistently updated will help you build a strong reputation as an authority in your niche.

  • Add Images To Your Blog Posts with Charts and Infographics

A picture is worth a thousand words. Right? Did you know that as much as 65% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than text? That's why it's so easy to remember a face, but not a's why when you see a flyer on the street with a picture of a missing kid, you immediately recognize that this is something you need to pay attention to.

It’s a well-known fact that pictures speak louder than words. That’s not a fact, but it is certainly true in the 21st century. So if you want to open up more people to your content, then presenting your content in neat Images and infographics or graphics should be something you pay attention to.

If you're looking for a great tool to create engaging and informative graphics, I recommend Canva.

  • Add Videos seamlessly To Your Content

Video content is great for engagement.

Video is often better at explaining something than plain text can.

91% of people watch online videos to learn something. While a reader of your page may not have time to read all the content you have available, they can easily watch a video. You can use videos to break up large chunks of text and make the material more digestible for your readers. Adding a video might also increase your page views.

Creating video content is a great way to keep your page visitors engaged. If you have videos that are directly relevant to your content, this can be a great way to break it up and give your page visitors a better experience. If you don’t have videos to use, don’t stress about it. Good content can shine with or without videos. They are just another tool you can use to make your page a better resource.

  • Optimize Your Images for Google Images To Get Traffic

Did you know that you can use Google Images to search for specific images? While this may seem counter-intuitive, it is a highly effective way to increase your organic traffic. Before we get started optimizing your images, let’s talk about how people view your content. Did you know that 44% of users are now using Google Images to find content on the web? That’s more than searches directly from the main search page Google believes in the power of images and that means you should too.

Google loves images. And I mean love, in the way that a fat kid loves ice cream. So do users — they consume around 65 percent of all internet traffic.

Google figures out which images it should show in its search results based on the content of the page that is displaying the image. As a result, it's vital to select the appropriate image and optimize it for Google Images. Just like you’ll be optimizing your content, take a minute to optimize your images as well. It’s easy! Here are 5 quick tips to make sure that your image optimization is on point:

  • Use alt tag on every image you used
  • Writing an image title the same as your content heading(Describe what your image want to tell)
  • Keep image in 1000px-500px or 640px-360px Format
  • Use image in same size for whole content
  • Never use copyright images.

Read More-Best Ideas To optimize your images for Blogger.

  • Optimize Every Page Of Your Website For Google

Search engines are a website's best friend. They provide the vast majority of traffic and engagement with your content, which is why you need to optimize every page of your website for Google. This can be difficult to do, especially because users visit your site through a wide range of different methods (organic, paid advertising, social media links, etc.).

Optimizing your website will help Google determine whether your page is a top-notch one in its particular niche or field. This can also mean more traffic to your site, thus helping you get ahead of competitors who may not spend enough time monitoring the progress of their websites.

We'll give you some practical tips on making sure that Google sees the best version of each page including;

  • Use SEO-Friendly Title Tags(h1,h2,h3)
  • Writing the Perfect Meta Description that pop
  • Create An Awesome Clickable Headline
  • Make Your Site Load Faster
  • Use The Best Keyword For A Targeted Blog Post
  • Break Up Content in short-paragraph for Easy Reading
  • Checking Content Relevancy
  • Use Relevant, Current Information in Your Content
  • Optimizing Images In Your Blog Post

You’ll notice that some of this list includes ways to write SEO-friendly articles. We have already covered this in the previous post.

Read More- How to Write SEO-Friendly Articles on Blogger 2022.

Search engines are getting smarter. They’re improving their algorithms to include more advanced ways of measuring your site’s relevancy and authority. This means it is crucial to optimize every page of your site to ensure that your website performs at its best, every time a visitor comes to your site.

Quality Content Promotion is Key To Quality Traffic.

Simple & Effective Way To Promote Your Blogger Blog For Free 2022.

Beginner Guide How To Promote Your Blogger Blog Free 2022

Would you like to be able to easily promote your blog directly to readers, so they can share it with their circles? I understand this process seems quite daunting. So, in this article, I have simplified it as much as possible, while still keeping all the important information you need.

Simple Ways To Promote Your Blog Through Influencers

Do you want to reach a bigger audience without doing a lot of work? Then you should consider using influencers. When you choose the right influencers, they could help you reach thousands of people without you having to do much. I know it sounds too good to be true but trusts me, they can help!

I will share with you the simple ways to promote your blog through influencers.

  • Choosing Your First Blogging Influencer
  • Ask for a Quote for Your Next Post
  • Ask Them about Your Post Blog
  • After Publish Email Them Your Posts
  • Share your Post on Social Media
  • Add your blog to your social profile and email signature
  • Ask them for subscribing to your blog for the next post
Join Trust Group, Communities, and Q&A Sites

Join groups and communities online to express your opinion, ask questions, get answers, and help others!

  • Promote Your Blog Post On Promotion Networks like Div, Viral Content Bee, etc.
  • Build your communities or group
  • Active on Social Media like Pinterest, Quora, or Reddit.
  • Use the Q&A site to ask answer questions
  • Interact with the reader through blog commenting
  • Add the link of your post to blog directories.
  • Share your post oN Social Bookmarking Sites.
  • Help another blogger by Guest Post Strategy

Use Email Marketing to Grow Your Blog

Website traffic doesn’t mean much if it isn’t converting. By converting I mean getting your visitors to subscribe to your content.

Emails are one of the most powerful channels for getting new traffic for your website. It is possible to get thousands of subscribers on your mailing list with a few hours of work per week.

So let’s talk about how you can use email marketing to grow your blog.

  • Create Best Email Subscription Box or Newsletters
  • Use Auto Push Notification to reach
  • Send an email to your audience about the latest content
  • Create big Giveayw to get more audience
  • Use Optimization tools when sending a new email to the audience
  • Connect with your audience with email automation services

Get Your Blog Noticed on Social Media

Did you know that more than half of online adults use Facebook? The same goes for Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Imagine if you could get your blog noticed. It would mean more readers and increased traffic to your blog.

You will learn the secrets behind getting your blog noticed and appreciated on social media and have your audience eager to return again and again.

In this article I’ll explain how to get your blog noticed on social media, so read on!

  • Create social share buttons on the homepage or your post.
  • Notify them about your next post
  • Share the URL of your blog on a social site
  • Use different headlines when posting on social network
  • Use Facebook Trust Group
  • Share your post on Pinterest, Digg, or Viral Content at the right time
  • Saver rank pin related to your content from Pinterest to your profile
  • Publish Your post on Instagram and Twitter with proper #tags

Promote Your Content On Search Engines & Earn Free Traffic

Are you ready to earn free traffic from search engines? So many people focus on writing great content but then the post gets lost in the vast amount of content that is on the web. You’re missing out on free traffic if you aren't sending your content to the biggest search engines.

That is why you need to promote your content on search engines to lure more traffic to your website. Here is how you can do this.

  • Make your content SEO-friendly.
  • Submit your blog to search engines.
  • Do keyword research before you write.
  • Interlink your content between each other.
  • Focus on building links to your content.
  • Use proper permalinks structure.
  • Link to other authority sites.
  • Use a proper unique headline that is clickable

Other effective ways to promote your blog

How to promote your blog There are a lot of ways to get views, the more you share your content in different ways the more you will gain exposure. Some ways of promoting your blog include:

  • Set Up Google Feedburner To Track Subscribers For Your RSS Feed.
  • Steal Your Competitors Ideas (And Outsource The Work).
  • Syndicate Your Blog to Get More Visitors.
  • Do Giveaways Right And Establish Yourself As A Leader In Your Niche.
  • Get Local Media To Cover Your Event/Business.
  • Create Daily email notifications.
  • Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly.

Read More-Make Website Mobile-Friendly Using Top Mobile-Friendly Blogger Template 2022.


We hope these tips have provided you with some great ideas and given you food for thought. No matter which strategies you decide to try out, it’s impossible to go wrong, as long as you put your all into it! And remember: if one promotional strategy isn’t working for you, chances are another will. So don’t give up if the first thing you try doesn't work. Keep experimenting and have fun with your blog!


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