5 Tips to Get AdSense Approval on Blogger in 2022.

If you're looking to get your blog up and running with Adsense, here are 5 tips on getting AdSense approval on Blogger in 2022.
5 Tips to Get AdSense Approval on Blogger in 2022.
One of the most popular ways to make money online has to be through AdSense. It's one of the easiest ways to get paid for doing nothing more than sharing your content with the world and letting Google do the rest.

However, there are many ways to get rejected by Google, including by sharing content that doesn't meet their guidelines or by having too many errors on your website. These five tips will help you secure AdSense approval on blogger in 2022 and beyond!

1) Say What You Do

One of the first things Google looks at when deciding whether or not you're a good fit for AdSense is your site's content. How will anyone know if you don't include keywords that represent what it is you do—or offer—on your website? Keep an eye out for mission statements, company information, and product details; these are among the most important areas on your site where you should include relevant keywords if you can put them into context without sounding unnatural. 

For example, We specialize in making custom XYZ products. It sounds much more natural than simply saying XYZ products. And if you want to get specific, take advantage of Google Analytics' Site Search feature (available with Enhanced Ecommerce). This lets you see exactly which terms people search for before landing on your site. Make sure those terms are represented somewhere within your content!

2) Keep It Short

It's essential to make your ad match your content. Google wants you to be relevant and helpful. They won't approve ads that don't reflect that mission, but they also won't approve ads that go against it. A good rule of thumb is 20-40 words, depending on how long your post is; more than 40 words, and most people probably won't click it. Being too short leaves room for Google (and searchers) not to trust you as an expert or creator, so keep in mind what readers are looking for before deciding how long an ad should be. 

You may have noticed we didn't talk about creating a great title or meta description because titles and descriptions aren't weighed heavily when evaluating whether or not your ad will get approved. That doesn't mean these items aren't important - including your keyword can help set expectations for users searching using search engines - it just means you shouldn't worry about whether something meets standards when deciding if things like length need fixing up. 

There's no reason these tips can't work together - adding keywords to a well-made title is perfectly fine as long as you're providing value! Just avoid trying to sneak stuff in there if possible...

3) Show Your History of Content Publishing

You want your content creation to be authentic, even if it's part of your marketing plan. This can help you get more traffic but also prove that you're credible. Google wants to know what kind of content you've been publishing for some time and how often you've been doing it. One way to show off is through an existing portfolio or website with a track record. 

If there isn't a pre-existing site with a portfolio yet, start building one! That will show Google that it's not just an idea in your head but something you're serious about—and then they may be more likely to approve your account if you apply.

4) Identify Your Target Audience with Keywords

When you first sign up for Google's advertising platform, you'll want to select some keywords that describe your content. These keywords are like a gateway between your website and relevant advertisers. When an advertiser searches for one of your keywords, they'll show ads on your site that match those keywords. 

For example, if you run a food-focused website and want to start monetizing with AdSense, consider using words like recipes, food reviews, or healthy food recipes. Selecting these terms as keywords will make it easier for advertisers when they begin displaying ads on your site later.

If you don't yet have any topics or ideas for articles, here are 15 topic ideas from Neil Patel to get you started. Once you've chosen some topics, use Google's Keyword Planner tool to see how many people search for each term every month and get a sense of how popular (or not) each topic is. In Keyword Planner, enter a keyword phrase into the Get search volume data field (such as organic gardening), click Get stats, then click Keyword ideas. Here's more detail about getting started with keywords.

5) Mention Google's Guidelines

One of Google's most significant concerns when it comes to monetizing your site is content relevance. As long as you make sure that your site's content truly relates to your ads, you'll have a much better chance of getting approval. Keep in mind. 

However, that spammy or irrelevant content will never fly. It could result in a rejection -- so be prepared for that possibility and make sure that your company can live without revenue from AdSense (since you may get denied). 

Also, remember that you're not only responsible for creating good content but also for policing comments left by users. Please make sure they're relevant and not overly promotional. If they are, take them down! It's worth noting that if Google finds something questionable about your site -- even if it isn't directly related to its advertising guidelines -- it could reject your application. So keep things clean!


While getting AdSense approval is easy, you can do a few things to make it easier. If you want your blogger site content associated with AdSense, make sure that they meet Google's standards and best practices. The above tips will help you improve your site and get AdSense approval in 3 months or less. Good luck!

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